Tweagers have an engineering mantra — Functional. Typed. Immutable. — that begets composable software which can be reasoned about and avails itself to static analysis. These are all “good things” for building robust software, which inevitably lead us to using languages such as Haskell, OCaml and Rust. However, it would be remiss of us to snub languages that don’t enforce the same disciplines, but are nonetheless popular choices in industry. Ivory towers are lonely places, after all.
Last time I wrote about how Python’s1 type system and syntax is now flexible enough to represent and utilise algebraic data types ergonomically. Here, I’ll develop that idea further by way of a motivating example, for which I shall make use of some functional programming “tricks” to arrive at an efficient Python implementation.
Typeclass ABCs
Typeclasses are famously a feature from Haskell, which have since spawned analogous features elsewhere (e.g., “traits” in Rust and “concepts” in C++20). They allow the definition of “interfaces for types”, where values of types which conform to that specification can be freely swapped out. This enables what’s known as “ad hoc polymorphism”… but perhaps an example would be more illuminating!
It is very common to want to encode2 and decode some value back
and forth from a serialised representation (e.g., reading and writing to
a byte stream). Say we have some arbitrary Python class, a first
approximation may be to define encode
and decode
from typing import Self
class MyClass:
def encode(self) -> bytes:
# Implementation goes here
def decode(cls, data: bytes) -> Self:
# Implementation goes here
We could then use this in, say, a function that writes an object’s representation to a file handler:
import io
def write_to_file(fd: io.BufferedWriter, obj: MyClass) -> int:
return fd.write(obj.encode())
A reason for not implementing this as a method of MyClass
could be
because we may also want to write other types of objects to the file
handler; let’s say the OtherClass
and YetAnotherThing
classes also
conform to the interface. The naïve approach would be to use a
type annotation:
def write_to_file(
fd: io.BufferedWriter,
obj: MyClass | OtherClass | YetAnotherThing,
) -> int:
This will quickly get out of hand!
Instead, we can define an interface — what Python calls an “abstract base class” — that all our classes must provide implementations for, lest they fail at instantiation time. Then we can use that in the type annotation for our file-writing function:
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Self
class Codec(ABC):
# NOTE Abstract base classes don't need implementations,
# just method stubs to define their signatures
def encode(self) -> bytes: ...
def decode(cls, data: bytes) -> Self: ...
# NOTE You may inherit from *many* abstract base classes
class MyClass(Codec):
def encode(self) -> bytes:
# Implementation goes here
def encode(cls, data: bytes) -> bytes:
# Implementation goes here
def write_to_file(fd: io.BufferedWriter, obj: Codec) -> int:
return fd.write(obj.encode())
We can thus make our code much easier to annotate by defining abstract base classes that outline related groups of capabilities. Indeed, as we’ll see next, some capabilities are so pervasive, it can be useful to consider them in their own right.
Monoidial Soup
In mathematics, a monoid, (M,⋆), is a set M, with a binary operation ⋆:M×M→M that is associative3 and has an identity element.4 For non-mathematicians this probably sounds completely opaque, bordering on absurd. What possible application does this have in software engineering?
Well, it turns out that this occurs all the time! To offer a few examples:
Addition over arbitrary-precision integers, with 0 as the identity element. (Likewise for products, with 1 as the identity.)
String concatenation, with the empty string as the identity element.
Null coalescing over any type augmented with a null-value, which also serves as the identity element.
“Any” and “all” predication, over Boolean values, with
being the respective identities.
Combining values in such a way is very common and, provided the definition is satisfied, you have a monoid. Given the frequency at which monoids naturally occur, it makes sense to define an interface for them.
In Haskell, the Monoid
typeclass5 defines
three functions:
A parameter-less function that returns the monoid’s identity element. -
A function that defines the monoid’s binary operation. -
A convenience for applying the binary operation over a list of values. (A default implementation exists, but it can be overridden if there is opportunity for optimisation.)
If you recall our previous discussion — in which we
define a List
type6 and a right fold over it
— we can follow Haskell’s lead and implement a monoidial abstract base
class in Python as follows:
# This postpones type annotation evaluation until after the source is
# parsed, allowing structural type definitions that can return types of
# themself and references to types that are defined later in the code.
# As of Python 3.11, this is not yet the default.
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
M = TypeVar("M")
class Monoid(Generic[M], ABC):
def mempty() -> Monoid[M]: ...
def mappend(self, rhs: Monoid[M]) -> Monoid[M]: ...
def mconcat(cls, values: List[Monoid[M]]) -> Monoid[M]:
folder = lambda x, y: x.mappend(y)
return foldr(folder, cls.mempty(), values)
Guess what? Lists also form a monoid over concatenation, with the empty
list as the identity element. As such, we can update the List
class to
inherit from our Monoid
abstract base class and plug in the
from typing import TypeVar
T = TypeVar("T")
class List(Monoid[T]):
def mempty() -> List[T]:
return Nil()
# WARNING mypy has trouble type checking this signature
def mappend(self, rhs: List[T]) -> List[T]:
return foldr(Cons, rhs, self)
Let’s test this out:8
>>> a = Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Nil())))
>>> b = Cons(4, Cons(5, Cons(6, Nil())))
>>> c = Cons(7, Cons(8, Cons(9, Nil())))
>>> a.mappend(b)
Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Cons(4, Cons(5, Cons(6, Nil()))))))
>>> List.mconcat(Cons(a, Cons(b, Cons(c, Nil()))))
Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Cons(4, Cons(5, Cons(6, Cons(7, Cons(8, Cons(9, Nil())))))))))
What the Thunk?
Now allow me to take you on a little digression. It’ll be worth it, I promise.
Consider a textbook recursive function. I’ll ignore type hints for now, so you can focus on what’s going on:
def factorial(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
return n * factorial(n - 1)
This executes as follows:
→ 3 * factorial(2)
→ 3 * (2 * factorial(1))
→ 3 * (2 * (1 * factorial(0)))
→ 3 * (2 * (1 * 1))
The problem with this is that each recursion increases the depth of the call stack. In Python, by default, the call stack is limited to a depth of 1,000. We can increase that, but only insofar as the machine’s memory allows.
>>> factorial(4)
>>> factorial(1000)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 5, in factorial
File "<stdin>", line 5, in factorial
File "<stdin>", line 5, in factorial
[Previous line repeated 995 more times]
File "<stdin>", line 2, in factorial
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison
Let’s rewrite our function in so-called continuation-passing
style, wherein the function takes an additional argument
,9 which represents the “continuation of the
computation”. This is represented as a single-valued function and we
return it embedded into the next step of the sequence:
def factorial(n, k):
if n == 0:
return k(1)
return factorial(n - 1, lambda x: k(n * x))
Now the execution is like this:
factorial(3, k)
→ factorial(2, lambda x: k(3 * x))
→ factorial(1, lambda x: k(3 * (2 * x)))
→ factorial(0, lambda x: k(3 * (2 * (1 * x)))
→ k(3 * (2 * (1 * 1)))
We can retrieve the result from the continuation by setting k
to be
the identity function (lambda x: x
). However, we see that this still
fills up the stack. We can even make this explicit by adding some
debugging output to our identity function:
import traceback
def identity_with_callstack_depth(x):
print(f"Stack Depth: {len(traceback.extract_stack())}")
return x
>>> factorial(3, identity_with_callstack_depth)
Stack Depth: 9
>>> factorial(123, identity_with_callstack_depth)
Stack Depth: 249
<< Number with 206 digits >>
>>> factorial(1000, identity_with_callstack_depth)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 5, in factorial
File "<stdin>", line 5, in factorial
File "<stdin>", line 5, in factorial
[Previous line repeated 995 more times]
File "<stdin>", line 2, in factorial
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison
The problem is that Python is strictly evaluated
and so will still perform function evaluation on every recursion. So
what if we didn’t give it functions to evaluate? What if instead of
evaluating functions whenever we see them, we wrap them up in a
thunk; that is, a “to-be-evaluated function”? That sounds
complicated, but all it involves in Python is an argument-less lambda
function, or functools.partial
def factorial(n, k):
if n == 0:
return k(1)
# Equivalently: partial(factorial, n - 1, lambda x: partial(k, n * x))
return lambda: factorial(n - 1, lambda x: lambda: k(n * x))
So we return a thunk and the continuation returns a thunk. By doing so, the execution now looks like this:
factorial(3, k)
→ lambda: factorial(2, lambda x: lambda: k(3 * x))
That’s where it stops. There’s no recursion. What we get in return is a thunk that represents the next sequence of the iteration, the length of which will be twice the number of original recursive steps as we ping-pong between the thunk and its evaluation. Following from the above, you can convince yourself that the following execution holds:
factorial(3, k)()
→ factorial(2, lambda x: lambda: k(3 * x))
factorial(3, k)()()
→ lambda: factorial(1, lambda x: lambda: k(3 * (2 * x)))
factorial(3, k)()()()
→ factorial(1, lambda x: lambda: k(3 * (2 * x)))
factorial(3, k)()()()()
→ lambda: factorial(0, lambda x: lambda: k(3 * (2 * (1 * x))))
factorial(3, k)()()()()()
→ factorial(0, lambda x: lambda: k(3 * (2 * (1 * x))))
factorial(3, k)()()()()()()
→ k(3 * (2 * (1 * 1)))
This can be unrolled deterministically with a trampoline,10 which is just a simple loop:
def trampoline(thunk):
while callable(thunk): thunk = thunk()
return thunk
A loop will not blow up the stack:
>>> trampoline(factorial(6, identity_with_callstack_depth))
Stack Depth: 3
>>> trampoline(factorial(1000, identity_with_callstack_depth))
Stack Depth: 3
<< Number with 2,568 digits >>
What we’ve achieved by doing this transformation is to implement tail-call optimisation in Python; a language whose reference implementation does not support TCO. This allows us to implement recursive functions without O(n) space usage as we fill up the stack, while maintaining the same asymptotic time complexity as the original recursive version.
Now let’s jump back (pun intended) to folds. We can see that our recursive right fold will grow the stack linearly with respect to its depth, as any recursive function in Python will. As I’ve shown, this can be avoided by rewriting the function in continuation-passing style and using thunks to delay evaluation.
The conversion is quite a mechanical process:
def foldr(fn, acc, lst, k):
match lst:
case Nil():
return k(acc)
case Cons(x, xs):
return lambda: foldr(fn, acc, xs, lambda v: lambda: k(fn(x, v)))
There we have it: an efficient right fold, which can be unrolled with a trampoline! That said, at this point it behooves me to point out that this technique is not always necessary and should be used judiciously. For example, a strictly evaluated left fold can easily be rewritten from a recursive version into a simple loop with an accumulator; no continuation-passing required. Likewise for our factorial function, which we use simply for its demonstrative power.
Anyway, with that in mind, let’s see our right fold in action:
>>> trampoline(foldr(lambda x, y: x * y, 1, [1, 2, 3], identity_with_callstack_depth))
Stack Depth: 4
>>> trampoline(foldr(lambda x, y: x * y, 1, range(1, 1001), identity_with_callstack_depth))
Stack Depth: 4
<< Number with 2,568 digits >>
It remains an exercise for the reader to supplant this efficient fold
implementation into our monoid abstract base class and List
What About Types?
I’ve deliberately avoided adding type hints in the above discussion for
clarity’s sake. (You’re welcome.) However, our code should be annotated.
We already know the signature for recursive foldr
, where S
and T
are type variables:
def foldr(fn: Callable[[S, T], T], acc: T, lst: List[S]) -> T: ...
The continuation-passing style version returns a thunk that will
ultimately return a T
; let’s call this type Thunk[T]
. The
continuation itself is a single-valued function that takes a T
returns a thunk that returns a T
; that is, Callable[[T], Thunk[T]]
So how should we define the Thunk
The definition of a thunk that we’re using is a zero-valued function that returns either another thunk or a value of some type. Ideally, therefore, we’d like to write something like this:
Thunk[T] = Callable[[], Thunk[T] | T]
The problem is, we can’t; this is not valid Python syntax. Generics — to account for the type variable — are not used like that, but the bigger problem is that mypy, for example, does not currently support this kind of recursive type definition. To get around both of these problems, we have to write a recursive callback protocol type:
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TypeVar, Protocol
# The type variable has to be marked as covariant to type check
T_co = T.TypeVar("T_co", covariant=True)
class Thunk(T.Protocol[T_co]):
def __call__(self) -> Thunk[T_co] | T_co: ...
We have to be explicit about the covariance of the type
variables, which are expected to take a _co
suffix. So putting this
altogether gives the following signatures for our continuation-passing
style version of foldr
and trampoline
def foldr(
fn: Callable[[S, T_co], T_co],
acc: T_co,
lst: List[S],
k: Callable[[T_co], Thunk[T_co]]
) -> Thunk[T_co]: ...
def trampoline(thunk: Thunk[T_co]) -> T_co: ...
Continuing our theme of building software from composable parts, the concept of typeclasses, from Haskell, can be simulated in Python using abstract base classes. This allows classes to be categorised by their capabilities, simply by virtue of inheritance, enabling you to build more generic functions that utilise your object models, without upsetting the type checker.
One such typeclass is the “monoid”, which is a pattern that is regularly seen in day-to-day software engineering. By abstracting this interface with a typeclass, we can ensure consistency amongst all our monoid implementations and arrive at familiar patterns throughout our code. This is a boon for reasoning about the software we write.
Finally, I have shown how using continuation-passing style can improve the performance of traditional functional programming patterns in a more imperative and strictly evaluated context. While the indirection breeds a certain complexity — and it is not something that needs to be done on the regular — this has its place in, for example, the depths of library code, where performance matters.
In the next and final episode, I’ll cover testing strategies that can be learnt from functional programming and applied to Python.
Thanks to Connor Baker, Guillaume Desforges, Johann Eicher, Johan Herland and Maria Knorps for their reviews of this article.
- We are not limited to Python; these techniques can be applied in any language with suitable support, libraries and tooling.↩
- The Python “dunder” method
would be more idiomatic; our example is purely illustrative.↩ - For all a,b,c∈M, (a⋆b)⋆c=a⋆(b⋆c).↩
- There exists an e∈M such that, for all a∈M, e⋆a=a⋆e=a.↩
- In Haskell, a monoid is actually defined in terms of a semigroup. This is a further abstraction that we could also implement in Python as an abstract base class, leveraging object inheritance in our monoid ABC.↩
- We can do the same with regular Python lists, which would be more efficient, but we use our definition for consistency (and dog-fooding purposes!)↩
- The type annotations are circular, here:
is dependent onList
, which is dependent onMonoid
. Enabling postponed type annotation evaluation resolves this. However, I suspect this may be the reason why mypy cannot (as of writing) validate the annotation forList.mappend
.↩ - I have not documented the custom
implementations forNil
, which render this output, for sake of brevity.↩ - Conventionally, the continuation is denoted by the letter
. I cannot find from where this convention originated; even when the concept was introduced, by Sussman and Steele, they used the letterC
.↩ - Care must be taken with a trampoline when you want to return a function. In our case, it won’t work — a function is callable and so the trampoline will try to evaluate it — but this can be resolved easily by wrapping it in some kind of container type, for example.↩
About the author
Chris is a principal software engineer (mainly Python and Rust) and editor-in-chief of the Open Source Programme Office technical blog; he is also the project steward of Topiary, a universal code formatting engine. He has spent much of his career working for academia, from both the business and the research sides of the industry. He particularly enjoys writing well-tested, maintainable code that serves a pragmatic end, with a side-helping of DevOps to keep services ticking with minimal fuss.
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